Sunday, May 25, 2008

All those present, please say, "Aye!"

Hello Burke Blog Readers,
We have been hearing bits and pieces of who is reading the blog, but we haven't been getting a large number of responses or emails (thank you to those who HAVE emailed us!).

We thought it would be interesting (okay, and Dawn wants to know how vast her audience is, if indeed it is more than a handful of readers, which would be okay. . ..) for each of you to email us a brief note to say "I'm here!"

Would you please take a moment to email the following:
Your first name
Your city
Your state
Some people have said they're having trouble posting to the blog, and if that is the case, please email us at

Dawn is cajoling, begging, enticing, and indeed coercing you to PLEASE RESPOND, as it would just be fun for us to see who's reading and where they're from.
Many thanks!
--The Burke people in India


Charlene said...

"AYE" -Great!!! Have tryed to respond before but have not felt it went throught so have e mailed you --- Have really enjoyed your updates!!! The Binders

Anonymous said...

Aye! Aye! Captain!
We love reading your posts and can easily see that a book is in your future! You can do it, Dawn!!!

We all miss you and are eager for your return. Softball is missing you, too!!!
Lots of love from Tranas

Jenna said...

Jenna Powell
Seattle, WA
We love reading of your amazing adventure. I will remember to comment:)I follow whats been going on through ICAN. Love the blog

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn -
It's Kathy whose lovely Indian daughters you are shopping for - while I am not able to read that often, I do try to stop in and catch up now and then! So glad you all are having many adventures and a great time :).

Anonymous said...

Friday, May 30,08 Just finished reading the material on the Burke's experiences in India. I am sure that India will not be the same after you leave. I was just reading in a magazine that the latest neuclear power generating plait is being built in Chenai, India. I must go to lunch now so will try to write agaain soon. Love dad Burke

Debbie said...

Hi Dawn! Now you have more than a handful of people who are reading it!! Can't wait to read the book you write! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,

Kari here from Florida... been reading when I can and enjoying the adventures. Nils also enjoys reading some and especially the photos.